The Creative Muse Hour
Interview with Voyage LA Magazine
LA Talk Radio- Interview with Gina Venturini
Gina discusses her poetry, Music and journey to becoming an author with Hosts Toni Koch and Carl Percival and music supervisor Kyle Leone on LA Talk Radio's The Created Muse Hour., channel 2
The Release of Heart's Don't Bend They Break
*Gina releases her third book to complete the finale of her trilogy*
"When I started writing this book, it began as poems of heartbreak. However, while writing the words you see on these pages, my heart started to heal and I was able to let go of the wanting and need for my muse that inspired the first two books. This book is about love, and in having to let go of the love that was not meant for me, became the catalyst for my growth." ~ Gina Venturini
The Spirited Woman
The Color of My Heart is You
Was chosen as one of The Spirited Woman's Fall Equinox Top 12 Book Pick list. It included an array of gifted authors who are inspiring other women.
Book Tour & Signings
Gina kicks off her book tour in her hometown of North Platte, Nebraska while raising funds for a friend who is battling cancer.
Guest Writer on Susan Spann
Gina Venturini shares her journey of becoming a writer on Susan Spann's Guest Post Blog.
The Release of The Color of My Heart is You
August 4th, 2016
Gina publishes her second book that takes her back to her roots of Nebraska where her inspiration resides.
"When you exist within a diluted Love affair for many years, and then one day a divine connection is brought to awaken your heart, you are bound to be inspired."
LA Radio Talk Show
Gina was a guest host on Guy Towe's Radio show with Blues singer Brigitte Rios Purdy.
Go French Yourself Interview
You can stand on your own two feet //
Up close and personal with Gina Venturini
The Release of Calling Love Home
April 23rd 2015
Gina embarks on the beginning of her journey as a published Author.
"Life happens they say and as we take chances to journey out of our comfort zone, we tend to meet people along the way who have the ability to open our hearts, minds, and teach us to appreciate and Love unconditionally, even through all of the differences. Heart break transitioned my life from Los Angeles to Austin and within the first week, I met someone who's connection sparked a flame, ignited my heart, and gave me inspiration to write. Even though the chance meeting was brief, memories caused Love to flow within me and on to these pages. And while taking a deep journey within my heart, I was able to discover the true me."